Star Global Advanced IT Corp. Ltd.
t: 250.381.2800
f: 250.381.2806
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E-Business & E-Commerce
"Simple to advanced, Star Global integrates any e-commerce provider to your online store or e-commerce application."
A dynamic storefront makes online shopping easy for your customers and allows you, on the back-end, to update your site with very little effort.
- Put your products online with descriptions, pictures, pricing.
- Make your products available for sale through an online order form, shopping cart, printable order form for mail or fax.
At Star Global, we research technical documents and contact technical staff at your hosting provider to integrate options like multiple currencies, data post back to your database, and automatic enrollment in recurring payments for monthly subscriptions.
We provide the best solution by taking into account your transaction volume and required features.
We configure shopping cart systems available at particular ISPs, or integrate third-party hosted shopping cart and e-commerce catalogue systems.
E-commerce allows you to process orders on the Internet:
- Offer multiple payment methods to your customers as part of an e-commerce system, so they can choose to pay by cheque, purchase order or by credit card.
- Support multiple currencies, either setting the price in each currency yourself, or by choosing a real-time credit card processing service that will automatically convert amounts to your customer's desired currency.
- Set recurring payments with a processing service that enables monthly charges for a subscription service.
Smart order form
- Customers choose products and quantity on the order form. Mandatory field checking ensures accurate billing and shipping information.
- Subtotals, taxes and shipping are calculated automatically and checked for validity.
- When your customer confirms the order, it is sent in a printable format to the merchant by email and a printable receipt is displayed for the customer.
- The order can be connected to a real-time credit card processing gateway.
Shopping cart
With this option, customers add, edit or delete the products saved in their shopping cart.
- They proceed to the checkout to fill out their shipping and billing information, or they save their shopping cart until their next visit.
- The customer is also given choices for currencies and payment methods, and the order form can be connected to real-time credit card processing.
Call now to book a FREE consultation & analysis - (250) 381-2800